Ubunut Generate Ssh Key For User


Nov 24, 2018  Log in to remote box by running the ssh user@your-ubuntu-box-ip To add a new user in Ubuntu run sudo adduser userNameHere Enter password and other needed info to create a user account on Ubuntu server New username would be added to /etc/passwd file, and encrypted password stored in the /etc/shadow file. Before adding a new SSH key to the ssh-agent to manage your keys, you should have checked for existing SSH keys and generated a new SSH key. When adding your SSH key to the agent, use the default macOS ssh-add command, and not an application installed by macports, homebrew, or some other external source.

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have Ubuntu Linux 18.4 LTS server running on AWS cloud. How do I create a user account on Ubuntu Linux server using the command line?Ubuntu generate ssh key for user manual
Introduction : By default, the cloud server comes with a user named ubuntu. You can use such primary user account for sysadmin tasks on Ubuntu. However, sometimes you need to add a user account on Ubuntu for additional sysadmin tasks. This page shows how to create a regular user account or sysadmin account on the Ubuntu server.

Ubuntu Add Ssh Key

  • To logon via SSH key authentication, you must first generate a key pair. Two keys are created: one public and the other private. The private key must stay on the server and the public key shared with clients securely. Login via SSH as the user you want to configure, then run the commands below to generate a SSH key pair.
  • Jul 17, 2017  1.Generating Key Pairs. To generate an RSA key pair for version 2 of the SSH protocol, follow these steps: Generate an RSA key pair by typing the following at a shell prompt: $ ssh-keygen or $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -v. Optional: To increase the security of your key, increase the size with the –b flag.

Steps to create a user account on Ubuntu Linux

  1. Open the terminal application
  2. Log in to remote box by running the ssh user@your-ubuntu-box-ip
  3. To add a new user in Ubuntu run sudo adduser userNameHere
  4. Enter password and other needed info to create a user account on Ubuntu server
  5. New username would be added to /etc/passwd file, and encrypted password stored in the /etc/shadow file

Ubuntu Generate Ssh Key For User List

Let us see all commands in details.

Ubuntu create user account commands

Let us say you need to add a new user in Ubuntu called vivek, type the following command in your shell:
$ sudo adduser vivek
Type your own password and other info:


Use the grep command or cat command as follows:
$ cat /etc/passwd
$ grep '^vivek' /etc/passwd

Sample outputs:

How do I log in using ssh?

From your Windows (WSL) or macOS or Linux desktop, run:
$ ssh vivek@your-aws-ubuntu-server-ip
$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/aws.pub.key vivek@your-aws-ubuntu-server-ip
Enter the password when prompted.

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Ubuntu Generate Ssh Key For User Guide

Creating a user account using useradd command on Ubuntu

Alternatively, you can use the useradd command is a low level utility for adding users on Ubuntu. The syntax is:
$ sudo useradd -s /path/to/shell -d /home/{dirname} -m -G {secondary-group} {username}
$ sudo passwd {username}

Let us create a new user named vivek using the useradd command on Ubuntu:
$ sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -d /home/vivek/ -m -G sudo vivek
$ sudo passwd vivek


  • -s /bin/bash – Set /bin/bash as login shell of the new account
  • -d /home/vivek/ – Set /home/vivek/ as home directory of the new Ubuntu account
  • -m – Create the user’s home directory
  • -G sudo – Make sure vivek user can sudo i.e. give admin access to the new account

I strongly recommend installing ssh keys while creating the new user account. You must have RSA/ed25519 key pair on your local desktop/laptop. Use the cat command to view your current RSA/ed25519 public key on the desktop:
$ cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub
$ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

Run the following commands on your Ubuntu server to install above ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub key from your desktop:
$ sudo mkdir /home/vivek/.ssh/
$ sudo chmod 0700 /home/vivek/.ssh/
$ sudo -- sh -c 'echo 'ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILaLvLmaW9qIbUVo1aDHWZE9JewbNfIdTVif2aFGF0E0 vivek@nixcraft' > /home/vivek/.ssh/authorized_keys'
$ sudo chown -R vivek:vivek /home/vivek/.ssh/

Now you can log in with ssh keys:
$ ssh vivek@your-aws-server-ip-here
For more info see:


Ubuntu Generate Ssh Key For User Password