Youth Generation Is The Key To Future Of Any Country

Youth are back bone to the nation.They can change the future of the society with their well being and courageous behavior. They are here to show us that which we have not been willing to look at within ourselves.Unfortunately today we find the youth those who are more interested in other places which are not useful to them as well as nation.They chooses to spend their days doing drugs and playing video games. they spends their nights partying and living it up, so to speak.More and more young men of this age group are sitting at home in front of their televisions playing games all day instead of bettering themselves or going to work. They have no vision and if they do have dreams they do not have the drive to make any attempt at achieving them.
We must get control of this. We must motivate our youth. We must teach responsibility and goal setting. I fear if we do not we will soon be supporting an entire generation of homeless and needlessly on welfare families. Things have to change, with our schools, with the older generation being good role models, with the older generation being mentors, and with the youth who are right now doing nothing
Those of you are in age of teen, You have a choice. You can allow yourselves to stay your course and do nothing or you can rise above what the cynics around you expect and go get educated or get jobs. Show the older generation they are wrong about you. Let them know you have intelligence and skills. Show yourself what you are made of. You might be surprised at how proud of yourself you become with even the smallest of accomplishments. I can tell you that nothing can happen if you do not try, bad or good. You will not become rich overnight either way but at least if you make an effort, then you have begun your journey to your dreams.
Key role of youth in society is to renew, refresh & maintain a civilization.

Youth Generation Is The Key To Future Of Any Country Singers

The youths are our life and nation. They will make our country proud. The country will be recognized. The youths just need the support from their fellow citizens and they will perform their duties. In conclusion, the role of the youth in the nation building is crucial. The Youth of Today Our young generation of today has both good qualities and some deficiencies in them. This generation has a series of understandings and emotions that the previous generations did not possess and therefore, we must always give them the benefit of the doubt. This Youth Generation. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for the youth in our community by way of multi-media educational entertainment programs and activities. Youth in any country form its backbone. It is on youths shoulders that the responsibility for change, progress and innovations lies. Youth are starry eyed, full of idealism and bubbling with energy to honestly fight for a cause. Every age suffers from the conservation of its elders. Iaries), with youth as partners, and be shaped by youth as leaders 2 (Figure 1). Word 2010 product key generator. This is an assets approach to youth participation in development which appreci-ates and mobilizes individual or group talents and strengths, rather than focusing only on deficits (needs), problems. What Is Happening with Our Youth? Education 0 comments More and more youngsters are succumbing to depression and a lack of care and concern for themselves and others which have in turn manifested in reckless behaviors such as drug use, sexual promiscuity, and horrendous acts of violence toward themselves or others.