Vue Js Generate Unique Key

To generate random number in vue.js we can use native JavaScript Math.random() function to generate random number. Here in this tutorial, we are going to explain how you can use Math.random() function in vuejs. You can also use our online editor to edit and run the code online.

Vue.js Generate random number JavaScript- VueJS Example

You can generate random number in vue.js simply as below-

Output of above example-

May 14, 2013  Generate a RSA PEM key pair from pure JS. Contribute to juliangruber/keypair development by creating an account on GitHub. As this will block the event loop while generating the key, make sure that's ok or to spawn a child process or run it inside a webworker. Pro Tip: authorizedkeys. @maxogden found out how to use this module to create.


Vue.js - The Progressive JavaScript Framework. An incrementally adoptable ecosystem that scales between a library and a full-featured framework. This extension for the Visual Code allows generating components for Vue.js with a minimum of actions. It is possible to use several templates, select or enter a name and select or enter a path to create a partner. These functions can be configured in the configuration file. Vue.js - The Progressive JavaScript Framework. Event Handling. Learn how to handle events in a free Vue School lesson. Vue allows adding key modifiers for v-on.

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Mar 18, 2018  Let’s tackle the classical problem of getting an array of unique values in a JavaScript array. Method 1: ES5 Syntax This method uses the inbuilt Array.prototype.filter method available as a part. Swappable Dynamic Components in Vue.js Joshua Bemenderfer. Have you ever needed to switch between various arbitrary components at the same mount point in Vue.js? Sure, it’s not a super common problem, but it’s the sort of things you’d have to do if you implemented your own router, or some sort of container component that you didn’t want.

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by Hassan Djirdeh

List rendering is one of the most commonly used practices in front-end web development. Dynamic list rendering is often used to present a series of similarly grouped information in a concise and friendly format to the user. In almost every web application we use, we can see lists of content in numerous areas of the app.

In this article we’ll gather an understanding of Vue’s v-for directive in generating dynamic lists. We’ll also go through some examples of why the key attribute should be used when doing so.

Since we’ll be explaining things thoroughly as we start to write code, this article assumes you’ll have no or very little knowledge with Vue (and/or other JavaScript frameworks).

Case Study: Twitter

We’re going to use Twitter as the case study for this article.

When logged in and in the main index route of Twitter, we’re presented with a view similar to this:

On the homepage, we’ve become accustomed to seeing a list of trends, a list of tweets, a list of potential followers, and so on. The content displayed in these lists depends on a multitude of factors — our Twitter history, whom we follow, our likes, and so on. As a result, we can say all this data is dynamic.

Js Generate Codes

Though this data is dynamically obtained, the way this data is shown remains the same. This is in part due to using reusable web components.

For example, we can see the list of tweets as a list of single tweet-component items. We can think of tweet-component as a shell that takes data of sorts, such as the username, handle, tweet, and avatar, among other pieces, and simply displays those pieces in a consistent markup.

Let’s say we wanted to render a list of components (like a list of tweet-component items) based on a large data source obtained from a server. In Vue, the first thing that should come to mind to accomplish this is the v-for directive.

The v-for directive

The v-for directive is used to render a list of items based on a data source. The directive can be used on a template element and requires a specific syntax along the lines of:

Let’s see an example of this in practice. First, we’ll assume we’ve already obtained a collection of tweet data:

tweets is a collection of tweet objects with each tweet containing details of that particular tweet—a unique identifier, the name/handle of the account, tweet message, and so on. Let’s now attempt to use the v-for directive to render a list of tweet components based on this data.

First and foremost, we’ll create the Vue instance — the heart of the Vue application. We’ll mount/attach our instance to a DOM element of id appand assign the tweets collection as part of the instance’s data object.

We’ll now go ahead and create a tweet-component that our v-fordirective will use to render a list. We’ll use the global Vue.componentconstructor to create a component named tweet-component:

A few interesting things to note here:

  1. The tweet-component expects a tweet object prop as seen in the prop validation requirement (props: {tweet: Object}). If the component is rendered with a tweet prop that is not an object, Vue will emit warnings.
  2. We’re binding the properties of the tweet object prop on to the component template with the help of the Mustache syntax: {{ }}.
  3. The component markup adapts Bulma’s Box element as it represents a good resemblance to a tweet.

In the HTML template, we’ll need to create the markup where our Vue app will be mounted (i.e. the element with the id of app). Within this markup, we’ll use the v-for directive to render a list of tweets.

Since tweets is the data collection we’ll be iterating over, tweet will be an appropriate alias to use in the directive. In each rendered tweet-component, we’ll alsopass in the iterated tweet object as props for it to be accessed in the component.

Regardless of how many more tweet objects would be introduced to the collection, or how they’ll change over time — our set up will always render all the tweets in the collection in the same markup we expect.

With the help of some custom CSS, our app will look something like this:

Though everything works as expected, we may be prompted with a Vue tip in our browser console:

Note: You may not be able to see the warning in the browser console when running the code through CodePen.

Why is Vue telling us to specify explicit keys in our list when everything works as expected?

The key attribute

Vue Js Generate Unique Key Sql Server

It’s common practice to specify a key attribute for every iterated element within a rendered v-for list. This is because Vue uses the key attribute to create unique bindings for each node’s identity.

Let’s explain this some more — if there were any dynamic UI changes to our list (for example, order of list items gets shuffled), Vue will opt towards changing data within each element instead of moving the DOM elements accordingly. This won’t be an issue in most cases. However, in certain instances where our v-for list depends on DOM state and/or child component state, this can cause some unintended behavior.

Let’s see an example of this. What if our simple tweet component now contained an input field that will allow the user to directly respond to the tweet message? We’ll ignore how this response could be submitted and simply address the new input field itself:

We’ll include this new input field on to the template of tweet-component:

Assume we wanted to introduce another new feature into our app. This feature would involve allowing the user to shuffle a list of tweets randomly.

To do this, we can first include a “Shuffle!” button in our HTML template:

Js Generate Unique Id

We’ve attached a click event listener on the button element to call a shuffleOrigin game key generator download. method when triggered. In our Vue instance, we’ll create the shuffle method responsible for randomly shuffling the tweets collection in the instance. We’ll use lodash’s _shuffle method to achieve this:

Let’s try it out! If we click shuffle a few times, we’ll notice our tweet elements get randomly assorted with each click.

However, if we type some information in the input of each component and then click shuffle, we’ll notice something peculiar happening:

Since we haven’t opted to use the key attribute, Vue has not created unique bindings to each tweet node. As a result, when we’re aiming to reorder the tweets, Vue takes the more performant saving approach to simply change(or patch) data in each element. Since the temporary DOM state (that is, the inputted text) remains in place, we experience this unintended mismatch.

Here’s a diagram that shows us the data that gets patched on to each element and the DOM state that remains in place:

To avoid this; we’ll have to assign a unique key to every tweet-componentrendered in the list.

We’ll use the id of a tweet to be the unique identifier since we should safely say a tweet’s id shouldn’t be equal to that of another. Because we’re using dynamic values, we’ll use the v-bind directive to bind our key to the

Now, Vue recognizes each tweet’s node identity, so it’ll reorderthe components when we intend on shuffling the list.


Since each tweet component is now being moved accordingly, we can take this a step further and use Vue’s transition-group to show how the elements are being reordered.

To do this, we’ll add the transition-group element as a wrapper to the v-for list. We'll specify a transition name of tweets and declare that the transition group should be rendered as a div element.

Based on the name of the transition, Vue will automatically recognize if any CSS transitions/animations have been specified. Since we aim to invoke a transition for the movement of items in the list, Vue will look for a specified CSS transition along the lines of tweets-move (where tweets is the name given to our transition group).

As a result, we'll manually introduce a .tweets-move class that has a specified type and time of transition:

Note: This is a very brief look into applying list transitions. Be sure to check out the Vue docs for detailed information on all the different types of transitions that can be applied!

Our tweet-component elements will now transition appropriately between locations when a shuffle is invoked. Give it a try! Type some information in the input fields and click “Shuffle!” a few times.

Pretty cool, right? Without the key attribute, the transition-group element can’t be used to create list transitions since the elements are patched in place instead of being reordered.

Should the key attribute always be used? It’s recommended. The Vue docs specify that the key attribute should only be omitted if:

  • We intentionally want the default manner of patching elements in place for performance reasons.
  • The DOM content is simple enough.


Vue Js Generate Unique Key Rings

And there we have it! Hopefully this short article portrayed how useful the v-for directive is as well as provided a little more context to why the key attribute is often used. Let me know if you may have any questions/thoughts whatsoever!

Vue Js Generate Unique Key West

If you liked my style of writing and are potentially interested in learning how to build real world apps with Vue, you may like the book Fullstack Vue: The Complete Guide to Vue.js that I helped publish! The book covers numerous facets of Vue including routing, simple state management, form handling, Vuex, server persistence, and testing, among other topics. If you’re interested and/or would like to try a sample chapter, you can get more information from our website!

Vue Js Generate Unique Key Holder

If you have any questions/thoughts/opinions, you’re more than welcome to reach out to me anytime @djirdehh!